Horizontal power curves are available in 16 inch radius curves. The 16 inch radius curves are stock and are recommended in most applications. Vertical curves are available in 16 inch radius only. All curves are available in the following stock degrees: 15°, 30°, 60°, 90° and 180° Intermediate degrees are available upon request.

For extremely short radius turns, see Idler Sprocket Turns.

Part No.:

Part numbers for power curves are determined by the following formula:

Degree - Radius - Slot Position

Slot Positions are designated as follows:

I - Inside, O - Outside, U - UP, D - DOWN

Example: 180-10-0, 180° curve, 16" radius, slot outside centerline.

Power Curve
Power Curve
Power Curve


General form: Part No./Description

Example: 180-16-0 Horizontal Curve

Power Curve Chart